
EVMavericks Weekly Updates every Monday!

Homepage - Last updated: 1/22/2023

Week #6 EVMavericks Update: Jan 16-22, 2023

Twitter Thread | Reddit Post

Important info:

  1. FREE EVMavericks Tees for ETHDenver! The link for sign-up and details.
  2. Listen to AMA with Influence
  3. Stake A Thon update
  4. Chad Fund update
  5. EVMavericks Treasury update
  6. Weekly Ethfinance Doots Roundup #3
  7. EthFit week3 plan by The-A-Word, here’s the reddit thread too
  8. ZombieBP creates a #Marketing channel to discuss any future marketing opportunities or thoughts. Chime in!
  9. Job opportunities:
  1. 696 finds this crypto podcast

  2. Some discussion about DAI and what happened with their latest vote here

  3. Raoul Pal talks with Punk6529: Really big outlook, how memes are powerful and can be used into making a change combined with NFTs, how centralized power is dangerous, how bad UX is, aaand more!

    Part 2 - as of recent!

Your contribution, which is as IMPORTANT as of builders, to Ethereum ecosystem can be done in these ways:

Your Weekly Reminder to PROTECT your ASSETS. This guide should do for now

More of degen stuff:
